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MBgaaamiMi HI sfS st APARTMENTS a ErMmMgsg lr Wauna aM MMMW MMMMMraHMMMaMiadaiwUUMMSlIflMBiMMiaUAaUKtfMPWMHMMl 1 UNURNISHED UNURNISHED APARTM'TS UNURNISHED: Automobiles or Sale 339 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Jersey City 223 Jersey City 223 '65 COMET aier avr lOftt nr M5 R9il AVft1' LOW PRICES DOWN AND IRST COME IRST SERVED Out of County 233 Individual REALTORS 2 DOOR SEDAN 432 2700 955 WEST SIDE AVE JERSEY CITI Hvut hut uer( Union City laole rent See) 228 URNISHED ROOMS 65 BUICKS 1 Hoboken 2 rms 71)5 Palisade Axe 81 240 59 ooms $60 rooms Sba: 60 w'DiEO 60 224 BUICK '60 '51 Union City 228 919 COMMUNIPAW AVE 433 9500 mi tx ou 3 iiewty ptuineu 1 16 week Corner 2 room apt I WINIELD MOTORS 4 rooms INVENTORY 3 fflTS SU PRICES UN 7 0061 or 864 1024 SALE! 6N 1965 DODGES 60 heat '59 $895 '58 $795 '61 WINIELD MOTORS! 2 Dr '58 $695 59 '59 '58 $595 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '56 $595 NOW RENTING DE 3 2211 319 Auto Repairs heat 194 Bloomfield Ave Montelair AGENT 851 nt mt CAMLLMS WE INANCE MONEY 1 1 )R OK I Automobiles or Sale 339 34TH ST ULL PRICE 241 ALL BODY STYLES! Weehawken 229 ALL COLORS! WEEHAWKEN PARK 100 GUARANTEE! AVE 245 246 Weehawken PLATES WINTERIZING 247 9th ST KENNEDY BLVD Open Automobiles $55 OL 9 0631 or Sale i West New York 230 I Automobiles or Sale 339 BON'N EVI LLEW '62 Convertible I MH ULLER CMC sei! sluth GMC Sale Service $985 UN 6 6300 MANY MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE ROM 1965 We have 2 used car TEMPESTS lots and a lot of used car customers MY VOLUME PERMITS US TO SELL YOU A BRAND NEW 1965 348 I Motorcycles ULL PRICE cars 52095 TEL 867 7047 mr comet hh Mercury UU LINCOLN 33t Autos Wantea Lee of ort Lee ree 5000 SX 1590 Boulevard JC 1035 Brpdway Bay The Jersey Journal March 15 1965 JC zdt REBUILTMOTORS Ml CO MOTOR' INSTALLATION CORP Il I 't All Models All Colors 62 '61 bath Park RENTAL KS INC 65 6U ly Decorated Building Marvelous Value 53 53 hi 76TH ST modern rooms de corated 'Comer Bergenlino $'5 LEONE Miring I) ktUNUMilMOWHiOUR NEW ENGINES JUST A EW LISTED MANY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE ROM 1206 Line Ave 22(M rntral Axe NORTH BERGEN: 2229 KENNEDY BLVD Branches in Newark and Paterson 50 06 Park Ave Bet 50 51 Sts '5 MODERN ROOMS NEAR CENTRAL AVE 1D3 BOWERS ST Pent North light Skyline LEONE' PARK AVE 3'2 HI lv I)ath Heat gas supplied ditioner and uussussi'in ASK OR ater tile bath 2nd fliMH' $9o $125 $145 ALL CARS TRUCKS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID! PHONE: 54620 or UN 7 1767 We Out Sell and Out Trade Them All! Often Imitated Never Duplicated! 3113 4 ROOMS BATH hot WHMO or 863 2761 4 rooms 1 ROOM private bath wood paneled walls plus all utilities Must lie seen to appreciate SW 8 47ul from 3 8 Get 60000 more miles ROM YOUR PRESENT CAR MME 64 87 86 3 room garden apt available April 1 $90 One block NY and local buses 43S 6700 or933 3833 ar Soles Leadership! JUNKED TR VOLVO IAT BOUGHT UN' 3 0572 ASK OR TONY MANY OTHERS ALL READY UN 7 0061 AVE 420! GRAND OPENING SPECIALS am to 10 on Premises Heat tile buses 4808 SOMERSET OK AUTO No Hid 64th ST KENNDEY BLVD RENT THAT SPARE ROOM through Classified Ad BUICK '63 Electra 975 Moor hardtop Take over payments of SIS week AUTO SALES Rt 22 Somerset St No Plfd PL 6 5300 OUR TRUCK EXPERT WILL HELP YOU SELECT THE MOST EICIENT RIG OR YOUR NEEDS Radio Heater Defroster 6 Cylmder Engine Seat Belts Sideview Mirror 2 Yeor Service Policy Auth PONTIAC Dealer 52nd ST and KENNEDY BLVD WEST NEW YORK UN 3 5368 MILT WHh Seal Belts Heater Defroster Dtrecttonal Sig nals Bee Wind BROTBERSii Mjurtroaiesi inc BUICK Hardtop Waeon auto matic Vcrv clean S499 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 9200 Near Mallory Ave Jersey City PONTIAC TEMPEST 3 4 URNISHED rooms Ncar Stevens Tech Call between 6 8 OL 9 West New York 1 PETS and other missing possessions are Treauentiy restored to their owner through The Jersey Journal Phone your ad QL 3 1000 West New York UN 3 2900 A urnished rooms for employed wo Elevat maul sei sonable Call Mrs Knox DE 3 5700 The World's 100000 Mile Durability Champion VALIANT $581 4 Dr Like New ORD $575 2 Dr Extra Clean PLYMOUTH $610 2 Dr HT One Owner '60 Includes oil standard equip ment heater seat belts di rectionals foam rubber seats HUDSON ST 7O4 Housekeeping room near all transportation also single room $7 UN 5 ob73 EVEN I YOU HAVE 2 LOANS JUST CALL RIENDLY 1 CREDIT SR735 Qry per Mo NORTH BERGEN 1 ATTRACTIVE LEASE ARRANGE MENTS Modem Barden ant develonment I 2 bdrm opts fr $99 IMMED GARAGES AVAIL 2605 NEWKIRK AVE WEST KENNEDY BLVD SEE MR STROWAY UNion 6 2324 BONNEVILLE '58 Convertible black Kew white tup good Lives 'Excellent condition 9 4474 BUICK 1963 Le Sabre convertible power steering brakes take over payments of $20 week SOMERSET OK AUTO SALES 290 Somerset St No Plfd 754 9444 BANK REPOSSESSIONS LEONE UN 7 0061 or 864 3535 CARETAKER 4 rooms new bathgas on gas auto Hot water mid dle aged couple preferred OL 9 5335 HANCOCK AVE 228 3 light rooms heat hut water Adults OL 6 2670 866 4663 HANCOCK AVE 3 large rjums "hot water heat hot waler iusul painted Available OL 3 1730 $7j NO DOWN PAYMENT NEEDED box "rooms All Im $80 Near all trans 5 3622 UN '92555 CHRYSLER Imperial LeBaron Cream puff all black air conn iuh power 'um i $695 GARIELD MOTORS '62 Corv'r Monza $1195 vocr Automatic No Plfd TL 6 5300 money need OK! MR HIGHEST PRICES PAID for cars I trucks in any condition I Ray's Auto Wreckers i 4U GRAND ST' HE 2 9284 1 AUTOMOBILES OR SALE CADILLAC leetwood air conditioned full power Good con dition Must sell 943 3211 OLDS $741 4 Door Sharp DODGE $623 4 Door Real Gem OLDS $645 2 Dr Hl Clean BUICK $639 PONTIACS TEMPESTS Including wali twal! carpet pool tfllMV Miunih Emit hnt VVMfpr parking 12 minutes to NYC MODEL OPEN DAILY 8 6 CHEVROLET Station wagon Take over payments of $15 week AUTO SALES Rt 22 Somerset St No Plfd PL6 53U0 power brakes steering white walls 26J)O' mi 1 excellent condition Must DE 3 0769 feONNEVILLE 1960 Convertible power steering brakes bucket seals Call 798 6403 between 5 7 Pm OLDS $1080 COMETS $M5 ONTS $1085 ALCONS $570 BUICKS ALL MAKES ALL MODELS LEONE I 421 1TTH ST 200 to Choose rom! Immediately Delivery! 5 Yr or 50000 Mile Guaranteel We Save the Most Because We Sell the Mostl 3508 KENNEDY BLVD UNION CITY Take Over Weekly Pymts '60 Convertibles 64 CHEVY $2395 lmoala CHEVY $1295 Impala OTHERS 4 Dr CHEVY doors air conditioning 17 ST 424 4 rooms heat hot water $s3 UN 7 UUbl mj 3 large moaerni deecrated i mibi or bM2o3 3 rooms heat hot Immediate Delivery $AVE! $AVE! SAVE! I HARD TO IND '63 Pontiac Grd I $2195 2 3 4 Rms from $58 Immediate uture Occup All irrmrovements ntnunrir 4 01 inqunc rtVl 524CaliJ1315 Pleasant Ave SMALL rooms 2 famllv hiAise bath heat hot water 865 6381 4'zT roomsITso New Garden Apt ST AREA features modern cabinet kitchen gleaming rs ceamie lile i water cooking Also built in au vt'' phone tazks Immed Vlkl2 LINCOLN III HU MERCURY TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING SEE SACKS Cadillac 1955 Coupe De Ville $100 Call after 7 pm 869 3454 CADILLAC 1963 2 door coupe completely power equipped Excel lent condition 438 3865 DODGE s1845 MONEY HU DOWN KM PAYMENTS HV TIL MAY UNr 7 IMS1 or Sfo 2537 5S03 3 rooms heat $65 UN 7 0061 or 867 5771 TYLER PL 6121 2 AMILY house 6 rooms bath MODERN 3 CLEAN ROOMS Private toilet' heat hot water new electric do 'seis 6017 Hudson Ave No $55 6 3336 GRAND OPENING 3i 4 Rooms all utilities included air conditioning free parkins Near public parochial schools Transportation to all of Metropolitan Area 1 block away Open for inspec tion every day till 7 114 52nd St (between Broadway Park 863 9401 473 2iW UL3 WNJ EAST: 6 101 Decorated modem $7s UN 7 0061 or 868 4645 iAsfT ATED ROOMS $85 UP UN 7 1)061 or 868 3574 95o West Side Ave 3 5 BEAUTIUL rooms: hot water laundry 3 large LEONE BLVD: DECOR LEONE BLVD EAST 6207 3 MODERN ROOMS $90 A Dieo slashes Prices on all used cai during this Grand Opening Celebration of the New Showroom IMPALAS $1480 XL 1 $1345 BUICKS $1580 ALCONS $995 CADDYS $2980 ONTS $1365 OLDS $1380 IMPALAS $1280 ORDS $985 OLDS $1140 OLDSMOBILE 1962 Starfire like brand new if you have a steady job take over payments of $17 wk JDMIRAL MOTORS Ellx EL 2 2235 PLYMOUTH 4 dnor Vedari manual shift RAH Excellent con dition 434 0542 '62 OLD'S from $1695 4 Dr Hdtp Sddan etc '62 CHEVY $1595 Impula Hdtp tarts Iftd WHb a 5 yr 50000 mi Guar Dtliv'd for Only Cosh Up Yar Down To To Pay You Will Drive LOWEST WKLY PYMTS62 BUICKS $137062 BIRDS $1840 '62 PONTS $1365 '62 ALCONS $750 '61 IMPALAS $1065 6161 '61 '6161 If you are planning to trade or buy soon stop in and hear our deal We need used '2 3V2 4y2 ROOMS ROM 9S MO Kiur IlIllU MERCURY Lowest Wkly Payments rom '64 OLDS $2495 2 Dr Hardtop Super '88" Air Conditioned 63 CHEVY $1995 Impala Hdtp If You Work LOWEST WKLY PYMTS '6363 '63 '63 '63 '62 PARK AVE 7612 h' usr Studio clav commanding view SI nil LEONE UN 7 OT61 or S5 1761 PARK AVE 7612 4 large xiern rooms eievator': $129 LEONE UN 7 0061 ior 8681761 NEW GARDEN APTS BUICK Hdtp automatic full 1 power showroom condition $999 i CAILS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 9200 I BUICK 1963 Convertible white 1 good condition miles one owner Phone UNion 3 5670 BUICKS DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON RE POSSESSED CARS NO MONEY 1 NEEDED I WORKING ELIGIBLE CALL NOW OR OK 242 1222 BUICKS DESIRE INTERESTED PAK11ES UNPAID i 1 i i i i nnl aUUl 1 VWIiej EALCUClll ivnur OP'tion $1000 After 7 pm OL 3 7776 CHRYSLERS DESIRE INTER ESTED PARTIES TO TAKE )VbK UVAlD A1TTnMDPJlR NO NEEDED CALL NOW OR MR SHELLEY 379 6686 DODGE 1960 Station wagon Take over payments $8 week DOM'S AUTO SALES Rt 22 Som ersoi Str No Plfd PL 6 53OJ DODGE 2 door hardtop auto i power steering runs excellent $499 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 9200 1 ALCON 1963 Convertible st ml 1 nrd fchiff Takp over TiaA ments of $12 week DOM AUTO SALES Rt 22 Somerset St No Plfd PL 6 5300 IAT 1963 Mode! 110L Private I owner Garage kept Housa M2 COSTAL office traiTer i th heat air conditioned office fur jl niture Sold nn March 16 to bett I offer GE 8 0440 1 JERSEY CITY A REAUTTUL housekeenine mom I In private home Permanent hi me P77t nor mature woman to uo very ugni $5 per week References HE 5 7810 60 Caddy $1 395 4 Dr Hdtp ull Power ILPHHM APT I iirrhn1 Pfincrfinanlp auyyuiu Supt 142 Arlington Ave or call 433 7449 5 ROOM" APT Decorated near shopping $8b oJb fiade Ave SW 5 0316 BATH $51 SEE SMITH 84 WAYNE ST UN 7 2587 ROOMS Parish Moton Ave $65 month CHEVROLET Super sport 4 speed posh low mileage $1450 UN 5 338 CHEVROLET AUTOMATIC NO MONEY DOWN ONLY $4 WK REEPLATES TRADE UN 53974 CHEVYS DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON RE Dncccccrn rmc wn manfv 239 NEEDED I WORKING I YOU KE ELIGIBLE CALL NOW i PUR OK 242 1222 CHEVROLETS DESIRE INTER ESTED PARTIES TO TAKE OVER UNPAID BALANCES ON AUTOMOBILES: NO MONEY NEEDED CALL NOW OR OK MR SHELLEY 379 6686 i CHEVROLETS Desire interested parties to lake over payments on repossessed cars: xno Call now for DONER 242 7600 CHEVY Malibu Super Sport V8 Hydramatic 5500 miles Call 332 6765 1964 Impala colv 1 vertible auto power steering hrkp whifp walls tnkp over payments of $21 week SOMERSET OK AUTO SALES 290 Somerset! St No Plfd 754 9444 UTLEY Yantacaw Village Adjacent bo Nut ley Mem Pk Da Blocks All chopping Rooms $120 4 Rooms $135 2 Bedrooms 4'a Rooms $140 i Bedrooms CHOU COLORS NEW REK1G RESIDENT MANAGER Mr Gardner 7 Adams ct NOrth 7 3863 P3 fr Nutley Town Hall) WAGONS CHEVY $1595 BUICK $1395 9 fss ORD $1195 Wagon PONTIAC $1095 Wagon CHEVY $895 4 Dr Wagon OTHERS Jersey Citv lath heat nn tmumin AVE Completely rcn no pets $75 $120 Also apt for handy ovated 4 rum apts Available supt UN 6 1971 oitfV'lirS it'tween '6PirNmt5 HEATHOT WATER offly HE 4 ra 6 p'm' AVAILABLE INQUIRE SUPT PALISADE AVE 45o 4 Largem' pALlSADE AVE 'Tooms steam not wuiti oevj '4 3 I PALISADE AVE 650 3 ROOMSIlEONE t'NWLY DECUKA I tU ntVAi HOT WATER SU PT93525 SHERMAN AVE 208 5 rooms gas on gas $55 Inquire bupt 1st flour left SKILLMAN AVE 59 4 ROOMS $80 3 ROOMS $60 HEAT HOT WATER SEE SUPT WEBSTER AVE Modern room apt mMern bath gas on gas heat near buses $b(J mu UN1 3 8523 ZABRISKIE ST 149 3 ROoM APT upt' McKENZlE on premises £73 4 ROOM APTS heat hot water near transp chopping Inq Supt 129 ranklin St 'A LARGE rooms heat tile bath 'Closets NY bines Ill Sanford Pi No 41 $65 UN 6 3336 dl LARGE ROOMS Decorated hot water supplied Available April 1 $70 653 7 117 LARGE ROOMS Heat hot waler after 6 Room 23 CADILLAC 1962 LEETWWD I AIR CONDITIONED OWNER ve I LOW MILEAGE DUAL TAKE heat hot water $9flOVER LOW WEEKLY PAYMENTS UN 7 0061 945 3613 $2230 REE PLATES CALL oik woods at waysai 479 SOUTH ORANGE NEWARK CADILLACS DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON REPOSSESSED CARS NO MONEY NEEDED I WORKING ELIGIBLE CALL NOW OR OK 1222 CADILLAC 1959 Sedan De air conditioned $1195 lirm HE 4 4232 Privates party OLDS $1195 4 Dr Hdtp CHEVY Hdtp 4 Dr Hdtp CHRYS Hdtp Hdtp BUICK Hdtp Harp 2 Dr 2 Door BUICK Sedan 2812 rk Ave £4L 31! 8th St 3R TTB 1400 09 WILLOW AV HOBOKEN OL 9 7220 jflv Nw Largest Chrysler Corn A 4 only Now Car Dalr vireay rocrory outlet RmBM UOOCE MRT PLYMOUTH VALIANT OSMAULT PEUGEOT DODGE TSUCKS 59 2Dr HT One Owner59 PONTIAC $625 4 Dr HT Eitra Cleon '58 CADDY $651 4 Dr One Owner LllklA'COS Ocean Ave NINU Jersey City IWII1V HE 4519 Lowest Wkly Payments rom '61 RENAULT 1 $795 Dauphine '61 OLDS $1295 4 Dr Hdtp Super "88" '61 CHEVY $1195 Impala Conv BERGEN REALTY CO I 6 3336 ree aint Air Com! GEO SACKS P(YYM new 'cabinet sink 4lh floor rent 76 tier month Call Supt SW 5 3043 3 ROOMS Heat hot water! vainon ave See Supt 4iWM A asr gas adults lease floor 4 VERY light Provements portation SW fi ROOMS Baih heat waler Newlyweds Preferred I JONES ST 36 1 md 2 rooms all utilities i JOURNALSQUAREAREA Nr 1 Hotel Plaza Retrigerator sink al AiYnt xiinL Jones St JolRNAL SQ Nicely furnished room for gent Clean hot water 4 mms to 1 does DE 3 bS77 SI GTON AVE 84 Clean sleeping room quiet house gentle man preferred 1 door from Blvd LARGE HOUSEKEEPINGROOM ALL UTILITIES NEAR MEDI CAL ARTS HE 4 9381 MADISON AVE 42 2 ROOMS BELMONT AVE 64'4 1 ROOM CHRYSLER MAGNOTTAAVR 55 1 rooms excellent management Inquire Supt basement QUIET R(JOM Near everything Heat bnens Woman pref kitch en pnv References 333 2247 I Sleeping room for gentlemen I Warm clean quiet I ESSEX HOUSE 626 Pavonia Ave AVE TA i Near I munipaw Ave single rooms $8 $in Call 435 5580 ToNNELE AVE 43 Nice Garfield Ave JC DE 2 4990 housekeeping room also sleeping foY rp imner room At Journal Sa CHrA vER 1U9 Uipe a VAI HKW AVK 43 I ASHIONED BUT COMORT 1 ABLE 5 EL MRS DRISCOLL WAYNE ST 446 Baldwin Ave Clean room kitchen privi leges Reasonable 864 3535 modern '65 RAMBLERS I 8 4 room apts newly renovated Decorated to suit i 97 BLEECKER STREET Ho Li Realty Inc 2026 Bergenline Ave Union City 864 101 OGDEN AVE: 164 3 rooms hot water 1st ih or 72 OL 9 1774 OGDEN AVE 102 4 box heat hut water 1st floor 795 4341 ACADEMY ST 305 NEW WINDSOR HOTEL 1 MINUTE ROM JOURNAL SQ Maid Service Transit and perm anent $13 week and up OL 3 6655 BAYVIEW AVE67 Sleepmg Rooms $75 Up DE 2 0717 BEAUTIULLY furnished rooms rr i near all transportation heat hot CHVY 63 V8 Mation Wag ml Udler 434 0072 Chevj 61 9 Pass din BERGEN' AVE R73 quiet sleeping room All convent 1 pnrps Cpnflrman nr'pf RpMsnnahlp 1915 'BLVD 26S0 Sleepinc Rooms $3 up Linens supplied HE 5 0163 4 rooms CHEAPEST PRICES in town New khk newty painiea rooms 1 sii a cu? iivpsk Qpml nnvata aoraonc 19 a qjq WH1 "ZT CLAREMONT AVE Nicelv fui iCHEVROLET 1962 Impala 2 door nished room Use of kitchen liv i hardtop auto take over pay ing room 432 45''O ments of $x3i0 week oUMbRbiI I rhxvmrx tdcaww' ok auto SALES 290 Somerset CONVENIENT LOCATION St Na Plfd 7549444 1 home Large room with hu chenette Suitable 1 or 2 HEiiL lu CHEVROLET Impala 2 door nrvmAAn Avn hardtop auto power steer GLENWOOD AVE 32 Comfortable Ina uhite walls takp nvpr naVmrntA yjp weeK UK AbiU ISALq 9lfl Rffflwrspt St No Plfd 754 9444 CHEVROLET 1963 Belaire sta tion wagon 4 door RA wiule walls take over payments of SU week SOMERSET OK SALES 290 Somerset St No Plfd 754 1M44 rviPVPClT PT 1OR1 Tmhab ron IO? vertible auto lake v( payments of $10 wk bOMEhoET A Zl I 0(1(1 1 A Oz 1 LjVlI Cl OK I St No Plfd754 9444 CHEVROLET 1963 Impala con vertible auto power steering brakes Take ever payments of $16 week SOMERSET OK AUTO SALES 290 Somerset St No Plfd 754 9444 CHRYSLER ull power with am Showroom condition $u99 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 9200 en RorntAM dllnnr: I hardtop white looks like new 1 a 1 owner automatic power steering eu wkavi av4rae I uiaAfn jicxil many xuuo wiwri DE 3 5978 or 947 1886 CHRYSLER57 Imperial V8 all power original 1 Owner Like new Must sacrifice 332 3287 CHRYSLER'57 4 DOOR SEDAN AUTOMATIC POWER CLEAN SACRIICE $195' UN 5 41:20 Union Citv NEWLY decorated Comfortable quiet warm room TV 10 mins NY' Gentleman 319 34th St '64 Opel 51 495 2 Dr Sedan Demo New Car Guarantee Heat hot water new paint $125 izs I irl UAI 011 OU 'UUie pici TO TAKE OVER RAIJvNCES ON AUTOMOBILES NO MONEY NEEDED CALL OR OK MR SHELLEY 379 6686 BUICKS Desire interested parties to lake over payments on repos sessed cars! No money needed! Call now for your OK I MR DONER 242 76X) CADILLAC7T963 De Ville Many extras plus air conditioning Car cannot lie told from brand new DELTA MOTORS 3230 BLVD JER SEY CITY 798 9808 CADILLAC Desire interested par ties to take over payments on re possessed cars No money needed! Call now for your OK! MR DONER 242 7600 RENT THAT SPARE ROOM through a Jersey Journal Clas sified Ad s2595 CHEVYB On Lemoine Ave (9W1 Opposite Lee Theatre or Immediate Credit Wl 4 4321 PLYMOUTH IWi 4 xir power steering automatic 95 Sb9 32O7 PONTIAC PRIX" 1963 I WHITE WITH TURQ INTERIORS TAKE OVER LOW WEEKLY PAY rnnr i laim1 CALL MR DEE AT WAYSAE ES 1 1900 470 SO ORANGE AVE: NEWARK PONTIAC Catalina hardtop straight stick Take out payments of $13 week DOM AUTO SALES Rt 22 Somerset St No Plfd PL 6 5300 PONTIACS Desire interested par ties to take over payments of repossessed cars! No monev need ed! Call now for your OK MR Ave) 3 Oversize box rooms 1st floor Heat hardwood floors clean building S4 67th St No 15 $88 UN 6 3336 13 ROMMODERN APT Hea and hot water 1st fir Rea rent 5407 Park Ave Apt 31 Manager 3 BOX ROOMS Hardwood floors heat tile hath closets 109 67th St $77 UN 6 3336 3 BOX ROOMS Just painted I heat" tile bath A 1 neighborhood412 53rd St No 43 $77 UN 6 3336 4 BOX ROOMS Bath heat hot water clean building 403 59th St No 3L $79 UN 6 3336 8 LARGE Rooms bath heat hot water New electric closets 603 Monroe PL No 45 $75 UN 6 3336 3 DECORATED ROOMS HEAT HOT WATER $72 UN 7 0061 or 869 1710 LEONE UN 7 0061 or 863 8753 1 Wagon Both cars perfect Reason Very clean MULLER 457 York St I CHEVROLET Impala 2 (5Xr hardtop 327 engine standard shift Take over payments of $121 week AUTO SALES Rt 22 Somerset st No Plfd PL 53uu 1 CHEVROLET 1961 Impala con vertible like new If you have a steady 1ob take over payments of $14 ADMIRAL MOTORS Eliz 2ND ST 420 3 4 6 large neat Tooms hot water heat cooking rtoves Inquire Apt 3 8TII ST 277 6 steam heat hot water 1 up light MRS PETERS 92 ulton Ave 4 rooms $60 126 Randolph" Ave 5 rooms $bo 4 airview Ave 3 iwnb $80 8 airview Ave 4 twins $'2 Oris 221 Monticello Ave 333 313 '62 Olds $1595 Dynamic 88 Convertible ull Power LIBERTY AVE 6 rooms ndUN 5 "bD3 7 1 in brftoor New 2 familyhome supply BOX ROOMS Heat hot water Wn heat $lu0 43 2674 I 8 lamilv apt Rent $90: OUR MAN ORGANIZATION UN 9 5050 LINCOLN ST 2 Corner Central i Ave 6 light large Twins Apt 4R4 LARGE ROOMS New 2 famiIy CQMl waivi poe orc smui mo 51 Xflcu VPT Now York Ave vci cici jiju 11 ojvx 4 Rooms bath Birrh eahmets Whltc stove "iheater T95 240 PAraiHMAr NEAR CHRIST HOS1T 1 Al we rooms heat hot water will hc rate Call alter 6 pm 795 51MI6 ncar banspnitathm Call 'pm 30 Lincoln Street Apt Near Christ Hospital Heat IM Waler 795 4 12 APT Newlv decorated NEW GEORGIAN COLONIAL ELECTRIC APT 2675 KENNEDY BLVD A GOLD MEDALLION AWARD APT Inspect 1 5 pm Daily Room Room ST COLLEGE AREA See the newest finest atl electrlc aot enfnr brat theriniMstat for rnrh T'Kirn gleaming ceramic tiled hath modern cabinet kitchen built in phone Jacks aJr conditioners Master antenna system all electric appliances special insulation techniques double Insulation throughout storms and screens Bergen County 375 Undercliff Ave 5 rooms heat hot water 5 EDGEWATER 91 moms heat hot LEON UN 7 UVbT 948 6241 LYNDHURST 3 or 4 room apT with heat hot water 933 0180 be tween 9 5 pm LYNDHURST 3 rooms heat hot water supplied Call 933 0259 NORTH ARLINGTON IU roum apt heat hot water Adults pref $115 April 1 998 4S65 Kassel Cadillac Co Inc USED CAR DEPT BSA I Spitfire 650 co Call after 5 pm 433 2041 NEW AND USED Harley Davidsnn motorcycles See lhe 1965 Harley Davidson Model iO $245 full price No monev down EZ terms BILL JACOBS 501 Kennedy Blvd No Bergen UN 5 l07 Skylark 2 Dr' Hdtp ull Power Air Cond Buick $1 795 UN 3 3974 dailv 8 See Supt Tjl4 BOX ROOMS brtlh i rlncpta 2nd Ave $88 UN 6 3336 and will pay highest prices LEONE UN 7 0061 BROADWAY '6115 3 Large bright dec rms heat hot water $79 LEONE UN 7 0061 or 865 4712 '62 Buick s1995 Electra 225 ull Power Jcrsev City Heights RONT Sleeping Room bathroom I floor Reasonable 61 Jefferson 1 Ave or phone 653 8929 90 (Cor Sher man Pl A large room for gentle man $12 wk OL 6 3700 3 rnn 3 rtns 3 rms 4 rms 4 rms ENTKAL HEAT (GAS) 3 rms 13J4 Line Ave SIL 4 rias 411 llth St 3L BAIH HOT HATER 4 rms 2411 B'Lirie Ave xZL 4 rms 2ltil West St a 21 4 rms 1314 Line Ave £4L 4 rms Lili) Summit Ave sr3L 4 rms 4il9 llth St 3L 3R TOILET HOT WATER 4 rms 614 25th St 48 4 rms 20) entral Ave' 45 46 DODGE 1 CHRYSLER DIVISION Motors Corp Hudson County's Highest Trader ana Largest uoage ueaieri Jersey City Bbyonne's Only Authorised Dodge Dealer 1613 Hudson Blvd UN 4 7330 1ST PAYMENT MAY EVEN I YOU HAVE 2 LOANS No One Ever Refused Credit NO MONEY DOWN CALL MR GREEN CREDIT BY PHONE oreign Sports Cars 340 i CaTivertihir i Take over payments of $1195 1 week AUTO SALES Rt 22 i Somerset St No Plfd PL 6 5300 fRHTNfPH'196l Convert iblelTake over payments of $13951 week AUTO SALES Rt Somerset St No Plfd PL 6 5300 1 WLKSWAGEN'71963 1500 bus Call 332 9452 LeSabre 4 Dr Hdtp ull Power Air Cond 61 Caddy $2395 4 Dr Hdtp ull Power Atr Conditioned 61 Impala 1495 4 Dr Hdtp ull Power Automatic WEINANCE ULL PRICE ULIlrtlM IXAJ i bath gas on gas hot water decu rated $43 $45 866 9748 All A I A Xi PH 5 heat hot water 1st floor a Imfnth OL 3 9615 LLUNE UN 7 UVOl or 866 6480 Iro nrMAv NEW YORK AVE 903 heat hot water $80 LULU1Y PALISADE heat 'hot LEONE PALISADE AVE 1913 rooms room with sink for 1modern improvements well Choice location HE 4 2308 itained aot h)US wne nv ri'ior nvr xt tvz rooms HOPKINS AVE 143 5 Rooms I3 rooms BATH Heat tiU Opposite park modern list fbiot bath wii gas on gas water gas electric HE 2 5522 Available viayi UN HUDSON 1 BLVD 336S 4 nice 31 CORNER box rwms 2V livingrouiiis tjals'i 3 i rmm' private entrance All new 1st floor heat ht water See supt 'kitchen 61S 25th St $8 1 UN 6 3336 HUTTON ST 159 1st floor 3 all improvements 266 Palisade beRCENLINE AVE 701 KII VIS HEAT WOT I LE 3 9400 kTvvrnv nr vn 1 21 2 ROOMS HEAT HOT WATER OUR ROOMS Prestige elevator bldg Adultspref Sec Supt 6305 Blvd East I AIJS AD 5311 3 rooms heat hot water $74 LEONE PARK AVE 6412 4 large modem NOVA CAR SALES 3115 KENNEDY BLVD NORTH BERGEN OPEN EVERY NITE 9 PM Option Of Power Controls Some Air Conditioned DONER 242 7600 I PONTIACS DESIRE INTEREST I ED PARTIES TO TAKE OVER UNPAID balances ON AUTOMOBILES: NO MONEY NEEDED CALL OR OK MR SHELLEY 379 6686 "DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON REPOSSESSED CARS NO MONEY NEEDED I WORKING YOU'RE ELIGIBLE CALL NOW ZPR 2 1222 PONTIAC 1963 Grand Prix buck 1 et seats floor console pow i er steer power brakes Take over I payments $2095 week AUTO1 SALES Rt 22 Somerset St No! Plfd PL 6 5300 Pontiac 1965 Catalina 'Tb Call after 6 pm IT 437 2753 RAMBLER 1958 American 1 dwr Lake over payments week SOMERSET OK AUTO SALES 290 Somerset St No Plfd 754 91 14 RAMBLER w'agnn power brakes gnd condition 4 Asking $395 )L 6 9220 AC 1 I '58 132 9955 I TEMPEST 'M Convertible Tako over payments of $22 week? AUTO SALES Rt Sum oi set St 'No Plfd PL 6 5300 BIRD 1960 Gorgeous fully i equipped If you have steady joh Take over payments $12 veek AD MIRAL MOTORS Eliz EL 2 2235 Jersey City Heights TbEACOKTaVE 40 4 large rooms gas on gas puvate bath not water suppneu nnvinEHE Ave 21 3 rooms 5 room: improvements See Supt nXTiPAPXT AW 104 3 apt refrigerator neiUy painted $80 2 room $70 OL 3 u2s4 BLVD 3198 4 nice light ms bath Heat hot water 7o Mnh BRAINARD or call SW 8 5050 BLVD irikir lncoln IxIllU MERCURY 1590 Boulevard JC HE 4 6400 '64 Olds s2495 Dynamic 88" 2Dr Hdtp ull ewer '63 Buick 520 95 8 LARGE light rooms tile bath heat hot water 2 family $80 Hear busJi706 Grand ve 4 BOX Heat hot water 2 famiiv modern lady or mid dleagcd business couple prefrred Available April 1 7 2682 after 6 79th St 301 3 iwms at park $7S LEONE UN 7 0061 or S69 0S5S Pi 4 5033 'BONDED CHAUEUR WILL GLADLY PICK YOU UP 1MMEDI ATE DELI VERY NO jJtt ORD Galaxie 2 door hard tnn RH Sale price $719 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 9200 ORD 1959 COUNTRY SQUIRE 9 PASSENGER WAGON TAKE OVER LOW WEEKLY PAYMENTS $899 REE PLATES CALL MR DEE AT WAYSAE ES 1 JWi 470 SOUTH ORANGE AVE NEW ARK eV ORDS DESIRE INTERESTED PARTIES TO TAKE OVER UN PAID BALANCE ON AUTOMO BILES NO MONEY NEEDED CALL NOW OR OKMR SHEL LEY 379 6686 ORDS DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON RE POSSESSED CARS NO MONEY NEEDED I WORKING ELIGIBLE CALL NOW OR OK 2421222 ORD Galaxie 500 fully equipped cruisimatic trans big engine reasonable HE 4 2663 ORD Galaxie 2 door hardtop automatic power clean $645 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE2 9200 ORD 1961 alcon Take over payments or we DOM AU1U 8ALIA KI Somerset St LINCOLN '59 Premiere full pmv cr $795 Excellent cnndilrm' Call OL 3 7954 T' MERCURY Wagon automatic power air cond Runs good $199 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 92 0 MERCURY Convertible $595 or best offer OL 6 8023 MUSTANG 'Convertible 4 speed take over payments of $19 SALES 290 Somerset St 754 9444 nobody but no body beats OUR PRICES QUALITY SERVICE A LOW RATE BANK TERMS (4 YEARS) Come see save hundreds of dol lars 1965 Ply mouths and valiants most models colors body styles immediate delivery Excellent 50000 mile guarantee Highest trade allowance on your used car BART MOTORS Authorized Chrysler Dealers Blvd 25th St Bayonne HE 64213 OLDSMOBILE DESIREINTER ESTED PAK11ES H) LAKE OVER UNPAID BALANCES ON AUTOMOBILES: NO MONEY NEEDED CALL NOW OR OK MR SHELLEY 379 6686 OLDS DESIRE PARTIES TO TAKE OVER BALANCE ON RE POSSESSED CARS NO MONEY ELIGIBLE CALL NOW NEEDED I YOU'RE WORKING OR OK 2421222 OLDSMOBILES Desire interested parties to take over payments on repossessed cars No money need ed! Call for OK MR DONER 212 7600 CADILLAC I960 Conv gorgeous11 you have a steady job take over payments of $17 wk ADMIRAL MOTORS Eliz EL 2 2235 CHEVROLET '57 Hardtop auto 1 malic RH No money down $399 CARS WHOLESALED CO HE 2 920T 1165 I 91 183 1 III HE I 3 fl A A ft pi 11 i ft 2 hi i El ml 7g is Our Successj i tM iK3 'A IT 1 IE nN Ba 1 e' SM I i A 4 tf a KEARNY 225 NEW HOME 4 large rooms 'j blrx Kearny Are £135 Inquire 99SIW91 or 56 New Lawn Are North Bergen 226 i i 4 A MICO MOTOR INSTALLATION CORP I i 1 ft if.
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