The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

a sea- Buy At Home--It JACKSON COUNTY SENTINEL, MARCH 17, 1932 Official Newspaper of Jackson County Really Helps Conditions News Review of Current Events the World Over Roosevelt Defeats Smith in New Hampshire PrimariesBillion Dollar Tax Bill Under Debate in the House. By EDWARD W. blood in the contest between FIRST 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Alfred Smith for the Democratic nominaE. tion for President goes to the governor of New York, The opening round of the battle was provided by the New Hamp shire preferential primaries, and Mr.

Roosevelt captured the Granite State's eight delegates for his forces in the national convention. Unofficial returns showed the Roosevelt pledged candidates Franklin D. were elected by Roosevelt margin of approximately 4,500, Since the candidates were voted for separately, the individ. ual totals varied slightly. Four dis trict delegates were elected, two from ench congressional district, and of these delegates will have full rete.

A lighter vote than was expected in the cities to which the Smith 1 forces looked for their greatest strength, towith a rural vote generally fa*gether vorable to Roosevelt, combined to make the result. The vote a of the state's eleven diles was divided almost evenly between the Smith and Roosevelt slates and the 224 towns the majority by which the furnished gorernor's ticket carried the state. The Smith candidates for delegates carried only three cities. st large Keene, Berlin and Manchester. An unopposed ticket, pledged to President Hoover, WAR It consisted of seven deleelected.

and four district dele gates at large gates. The victory 1736 to have an important bearing Massachusetts primary on April 20. das given consent to the use of Smith there and a ticket of candihis name dates for delegates has been prepared, Roosevelt supporters predicted Rooserelt ticket would be' entered against the Smith state in Massachu setts. Next came the Minnesota Democonvention to choose deleeratic state gates to the national gathering. Smith and Roosevelt supporters quarreled Bercely and the former, Anding themin the minority, bolted and held selves convention of their own which picked a delegation that will vote for Smith in Chicago though uninstructed.

The regular delegation was Instructed to support LINDBERGIT'S baby has COLONEL, returned, at this writing. nor has the identity of the kidnapers made known. This despite the been of all agencies in the land. efforts from the federal government down to leaders of the underworld, tone for contact with the criminals reported to have been put in the are hands of Morris Tiraner, a mysterious of New fork, and current figure stories say the restoration of the child of the ransom hare been and payment by fear of the abductors that delayed they would be trapped. Officials 16 charge of the case declared they were "still making progress," and privately of them said they were sure the some baby was safe and well and would returned to his parents after the eitement had subsided.

THE opinion of the war policies I commission, congrees should bate authority in time of war to fir prices order to present profiteering, This in was a vital part of made to the the report President by the com- Senator Vandenberg fie mission and a cote tational attendment to that effect was intro daced in the senate by Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michi a member of the gat commission. WAS the Judireferred to diary committee. The proposed amend- Senator ment calls for an ad- Vandenberg dition to the existing that Fifth amendment, providing time of war congress my regulate for the regalation of provide or conspensation to be exprices, rent, acted or paid by any person in respect sale, rent, of see of any real of the or personal property, tangible or inwithont regard to any limbtangible, tation contained in this article or any other article of the Constitution." Sheald corporations or persone sacceed in evading such a price fixing regulation, the commission farther check en prefits by recom mending a 96 per cent tat en all inin time of war in excess of the come income of the preceding three average the new tar designed raise in increased terennes had been presented to the several complications arose that honse, promised considerable debate. Three Democratic members of the ways and GURLEY RESIDENT PASSES MARCH 4th PICKARD means committee suhmitted a minority report urging that about one-third of the sum be obtained by legalizing and taxing 2.75 per cent beer. These congressmen were T.

Cullen and C. D. Sullivan of New York, and J. W. MeCormack of Massachusetts, They said they failed to understand a point of view which complacently accepts the taxation of illegal brewing and wine making through the levies proposed in the present bill on malt sirup, wort, and grape concentrate, yet refuses to agree with a legal tax on legally made beer.

Restoration of the brewing industry, they argued further, would put. thousands of jobless back to work. Representative J. W. Martin, of Massachusetts, a Republican, presented strong objections to the proposed Import levy on gasoline and oil, and he indicated that his opposition to this feature was shared by many representatives from states along the At Jantie seaboard, only thirteen opposing votes the house passed the La anti-injunction bill after seven hours of debate in which but two men spoke against the measure, The La Guardia bill differed in minor particulars from the Norris bill passed by the senate, 40 the legislation went to conference.

When it becomes law the "sellow dog" contracts which bind workers but to organize will no longer be reeng nized and federal judges will be Him ited stringently in their powers to quiet labor disputes by injunction. Abore these mandates the act declares the policy of the nation is do fever labor's right to organize and bargain collectively. Lindbergh Japanese place among baby kidnaping, the Sineembroglio still held first international affairs The trace at Shanghal did Dol last morethanafew hours, and though Gen, Teal Ting and his ATTRY bad been pushed back further the Japanese demanded, the larad. ers, strengthened br fresh troops and more guns, insisted on far. ther Chinese with.

drawal, They Cr tended their lines day br day. and some of their off.cers declared off the front page by the DISHED Gen. Teal Ting-kai their intention to more toward it was Nanking at least far Chang which is 120 miles porthwest of chow, Shanghai. Seanwhile, it was ed, large numbers of Chinese soldiers were belts added to Get sal Taal's forces, and in consequence General Shirakawa, Japanese commander, sued a warning that be would reopen hostilities if the Chinese attempted to enter the 40 mile line held by the Japabese. As was foreseen, the smaller poters in the L.engue of Nations assembly tried to force tie league to take dras tie action against Japan, and were blocked by the great powers, which would be the ones directly affected by such a course.

For them Sir John Simon. British foreign secretary, proposed the league should again remind Japan of her treaty and corenant obligations. restating Secretary declara. tion that advantages gained by force cannot be recognized: should take the stand that Shanghai will be cared for by the great powers, and that the Manshould be shelved for charian problem the present. The debate was rather bot finally a committee was ape warm, pointed to draft a resolution express.

the lengae's attitude and ing HOOTER, recognizing the popular demand for economies in espenditures, administrative staff was that the entire cooperating with congress in trying cut down federal costs by reorgent. to zation, hat the home Democrats the economy plans were en Chairman Eyes of the satisfied commi'tee called dial economy from the mote specific suggestions He said the only adminie President. tration official who had rolanteered assistance was Brig. Gen, Frank T. director of the adminHines, tetration, who proposed "reductione the barean is now making in payments certain classes of disabled referans.

to the President." said Mr. "Surely Berne, "has had this information for time and the question naturally some he did bot take the re arises why in his message last De. recommending this sponsibility cember of leis lation which he would how hare the understand he approres withcountry cont stating Just what it is." senate didn't help the economy The plans much, for it passed the agrient adding to the tore bill after appropriations authorized by the se. The total of the measure as it and went to conference left the senate $117.424.708. Senator MeReller.

was and Tydings tried in rain King knock large suns oof of the $1.430,000 item for grass pren the was retained. hopper control Mr. Fred Beckman thus passed from earth- a gentle gentleman. Quiet and unassuming, a good citizen and neighbor. One of the best husbands and father, Mr.

Beckman was a member of the Masonic lodge at Gurley No. 521. He was a native of Germany and a life long member of the Lueheran church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma C.

Beckman, of Gurley, and a son of a former marriage, W. F. Beckman, of Birmingbam, and several grand children. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Louis Morgan from his later residence, and concluded at the grave by members of the Masonic Fratenity, Mr.

Beckman was Ill for quite while, bearing his affliction with Christian fortitude; nursed by his devoted wife with untiring tenderness. May the Holy Comforter come and abide with the stricken family, Active pallbearers were: Earl Williams, A. D. McClain, W. C.

Blankenship, Wiley Styles, Johnnie Bennett and W. L. Howard. BRIDGEPORT ENTERTAINS DISTRICT CONFERENCE The sixty-second session of the Huntsville District conference, M. E.

church, South, was held in the Methodist church of Bridgeport Monday and Tuesday of this week, with Dr. W. G. Henry 8.5 its presiding officer. Something like a hundred Methodist pastors, local preachers and lay dellegates were in attendance.

All interests of Methodism ally designated to receive attention at this conference were inquired into and the routine of the conference was forwarded without a dull moment. Delegates were elected to represent this district in the annual conference to sit in the Woodlawn, Bir. mingham, church in November. A dis. trict lay leader was selected, and along with him two associate lay leaders, of whom Prof.

Boyd Turner was one, were elected. R. J. Price, N. M.

Rowe, Mrs. W. G. Mrs. Guy F.

Ponder, Mra. J. Henry, W. Maples, Airs. W.

R. Beal, Mrs. T. R. Easlinger, Rev.

R. T. Blackwell, Miss Eliza. Hackworth and Mrs. c.

G. Martin were elected 1 lay delegates to the annual conference, in the order named. Bishop W. N. Ainsworth preached the evening hour of Tuesday to large audience, and delivered a great message.

The invitation of Scottaboro odists as voiced by Judge Hackworth was unanimously, accepted, fund the conference adjourhed at the Tuesday's evening service. Bridgeport did herself pro he entertainment of the and words refuse to convey the feeling of appreciation toward the hostess community found in the hearts of the visitors, LETTERS TO MISS RIVERS Princeton, Mar. 8th, 1932 Miss Rivers: I sure do enjoy reading in the books you sent us. I have read almost through one of them. I like the story of Hiawatha best of all the stories we have read.

I am in the third grade and have learned to read much better in these books, I wish you would come to visit our school. With love, Questa Jones. Fabius, Ala, Feb. 23rd, 1932 Dear Miss Rivers: Mfr. Blake from the State Health Department came here last Friday and gave the most interesting picture show I ever saw on diseases of maiaria, diphtheria, typhoid and hookSincerely yours, Ollie Kate Carlton.

Fabius, Ala, Feb. 23rd, 1932 Dear Miss Rivers: Last Friday Mr. Blake from the State Health Department visited our school. He gave a very interesting moving picture show on hookworm, malaria and diphtheria. We had a large number out visiting.

Jessie Cargile. Long Island, Mar. 4th, 1932. Dear Miss Rivers: We surely do thank you for the picture you sent us. Do you think we have improved in our hand writing We also thank you for the library books which you sent "Book our fourth reader and "Baby Animals," are the best books we have ever read.

visit We shall be glad to have you us again soon, Ruth Smith. wrote letThe following pupils also ters to Ifiss Rivers: Gingelee Ewearingin, Irene Cagle, A. B. Atnip. Coy Cates, Natilia Stovall J.

D. Mays, David Mitchell Smith Marie Haves, Billy Mays, Clemma Guess, Lyles Mays, Mansel Smith, Jr. Edna Guess, Joyce Lance and Pearl Bodenhamer. Poem by third grade pupil from the Hodges School: (By Maxine Smith, age 7 years) had a little playhouse, Upon a Thining hill, The prettiest little playhouse I ever did build. I had a little bed.

And a little rocking chair, And a little wagon To pull my dolly dear. FOR RENT-On third and fourth, geed font-horse crop. Good land, See for write A. PROCTOR. Larkineville, Al.

All of book fortis, circulers, Send da your order. MEN! Big assortment of Men's and Young Men's Spring Felt Hats in the newest Spring colors and shapes. A nice hat makes a well- man. New printed pattern in Silk Shantung -has lots of chic, and a great buy at a yard Just received another shipment of beautiful Prints in charming patterns for Spring dress and clothing making. For these prints, the price is extra good at yard New Broadcloth in solid colors is offered in many shades.

This cloth is a wonderful value at Climate of Perfection yard Humming Bird One of the best values we have offered in a long time FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY is the new heavy weight Gingham in bright Spring and the conservative designs, too, at More style, more quality, patterns more color charm and dependable service is yard yours when you buy Humming Birds the outstanding choice of New lot of solid Corduroys for making the sport Amcrica's sophisticates. clothes or other garments. See these goods at See the distinctive new Paris match inspired colors daytime, to yard every afternoon, sports and evening frock. Ball Brand Tennis Shoes--the world standard -in SHEEREST CHIFFONS all sizes for men, women and children. It pays to buy OR SERVICE WEIGHTS BALL BRAND, they have proven service.

$1:00 A PAIR MEN AND BOYS! Our suits and suit prices are the talk of the county. See what we offer you! Jordan ATTENDANCE NOTES as a whole. It was 80.4 per cent and 79 last month. Schools making first and second nonor rolls are listed below: First honor roll: Stevenson High Bridgeport High Larkinsville Fabius Camp Ground C. H.

S. Pisgah High 91 Second honor roll: Coffey Webster Long Island Stevenson City Scottsboro, City Tarplo New Hope Flat Rock Hollywood Langston Dean's Chapel Dutton Fairfield Fackler Trenton Poplar Springs Shooks Section Hodge Limrock Hin Union Belleview Callahan Davistown Patterson Central. Whitehouse Francisco Guess Creek Woodville Shrader 80 We are greatly pleased with the efforts the teachers and trustess have put forth this year in making the very best out of a bad year, and making the attendance as good as it has been. Now that school is about to close, let us wish you a splendid vacation. The month ending February 5th showed a slight increase in the per centage of attendance for the county R.

M. BENDER Jeweler and Optometrist STEVENSON, ALABAMA Watch Inepector for Southern Ry, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelery SEND FOR CATALOG PISGAR HIGH NOTES HOLLATREE B. Y. P. NOTES There was a large crowd Nev.

and eral visitors present Sunday night. Owing to the bad weather a program was not presented but AD Interesting talk was rendered by Miss Louise Enochs, the group captain. The see B. Y. P.

U. program was exnior plained by Ira Toney, both talks were enjoyed by all. Everyone be present next Sunday night. It is time to elect new officers. Mr.

Hubert Pendergrass will be in charge next Sunday night. Let's everyone be present and bring someone with you. B. Y. P.

U. each Sunday night at 6:30. The B. Y. P.

U. is planning on giving a mission play in about two weeks. Visitors are welcome. WOODVILLE SCHOOL NEWS Workmen are again busy repairing our school building. The weather was too bad last week to work but they to get much done this week.

hope The two literary clubs are at work on the oratorical contest to be given at the close of school. Miss Rivers visited the grammar grades last week. We are always glad to have her visit our school. Several trees were planted on our school campus last week. The play "Tony, the Convict" which was given by the P.

T. A. Saturday night was a huge success. There was a good crowd present considering the weather. The proceeds will go to buy school laboratory equipment.

The basketball girls turned in their suits Monday after successful son of ball. The basketball boys are still practicing. They are preparing for the closing game of the season which will be played between the boys of the two literary chins. It has not been definitely decided when the game will be played. This game is an annual affair and much spirit will be shown by both clubs.

Every member of both clubs should be present. GIST'S STUDIO and JEWELRY CO. SCOTTSBORO, AL.A KODAK FINISHING PHOTOGRAPHS Watch and Jewelry Repairing QUICK NERVICE MAIL YOUR WORK The high school basketball tournament for the boys was played this week. The senior Ill and senior played the first round, the senior INI won 24 to 8. The senior I1 and Junior 111 played the second round, the junior 111 won 17 to 13.

The final game, was played by the senior 11 and Use junior 111, the juniors winning 23 to 19. A lot of fine talent was revealed and if the boys are with us next year and play as hard against other teams they did against each other, somebody may lookout. This week real winter weather pay ed us a visit. Many carly flowers, fruits and vegetables were killed of badly damaged. Several radiators and engine heads were frozen and bursted Thirty-five boys are enrolled for the summer of 1932 in connection with vocational agriculture.

Each pupil is required to carry out a able project under the direction and instruction of the teacher of vocational agriculture and to keep an accurate acord of the work done and submit a report at the ciose of the project work. Before beginning the work each boy submits an outline of his project, his aims and methoda procedure. These outlines are outlined and revised in class until all are. familiar with what is expected and fine agreement is carried home for his own references. Also they work out a score card by which the jects are to be graded, it being conceded that a pupil doing a fine pice of work is entitled to a higher grade than one who did the work in a slipshod manner.

NO MORE RATS or Mice after you use BEST YET. I a sure rodent killer. Try a package and prove it. Rats killed with BEST YET leave no smell. Cats and Dogs won't touch it.

30 cent size, 3 oz. la enough for pantry, kitchen and cellar. 75 cent size, 6 oz. for chicken house, coops and small buildings. Sold and guaranteed by W.

H. PANTE Scottshore, Ala. 666 years. LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 666 Salve externally, make a complete and effective treatment for Colds. Most Speedy Remedie Known.

The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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