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I I 'JUIY 37' 1K9 cxtcl (- (Miters' Sea CnsktJUidtr Heavy Deiltr OMb ffltfCQS Dessert Bridge i In Honor Betsy Bowers Hackler-Wood Installs NewOfficers Installation of officers Bor tha (v CHEYENNE Wyo (INS) A eight-year-old Cheyena boy was killed late yesterday wheal Community Club will meat with Eugene Stamp' AM South- new year waa th highlight of the aide Avenue tonight at I July 24 meeting of the Hackler- Wol fjxtlUry OttlcOT for lliO- "AjSS 81 tomorrow Julr 2g atA md at flXi JrfSiqcnkMr kuFRTr4th Horn 52lSnruceSUL AU membenr and -interested friend of the Home are Invited marrrsrrond 'Tire presidentTMto Ball secretary Mr Bill s' 900 pound section' of boil erf toppled over ipn his body while he was playing with a brother In ait' excavation rep Captain Robert Schauff of War? ren Air Base waa playing1 wlflr hie brother Richard 5 at the tim Richard ran to inform Ms father1 of the accident but artificial respiration and first aid failed to-save the boy 1 i County Coroner Wesley Schrad- t-' er Mid death was due to suffoca- tion and a head Injury i Next Bai sand it to' Note: Todays Recipe' a daily miles In the Vir-! ginla-Tennessean features Bristol women and their favorite recipe The V-T will welcome cslls from dsy woman who would -like to contribute to tho column) r'- Today's Recipe for spaghetti that all lime favorite -is donated by Mr It Mumpower of King Mill Pike Spaghetti Brown' 1 ohlbniwItH" tbs fat add lun tomatoes 2 lb cubed beef cut very small) garlic salt 1 tap mustard 3 tbs Worcestershire aaure Cook slowly for three hour Add I tap Cayenne pcpcer 1 lb cooking cheese 2 cans tomato soup 1 email can muhromi Cook 30 minutea irnger Cook 2 boxes of spaghetti and drain Put layer of spaghetti and sauce in large dish- Top with sliced olives and parsley MBS MUMPOWER Xing MSI Film Wa kuJ fflnatratoa kw high seerva cm mcked la Cknaata 1 with fair lock la the play A rad trey uni displayed at th ba-placing af play far 1M palate a red eaaaata la Sa haa bma earn-pleiad far Ml palata there are fear la far 4 painta and three lie ptae a wild daaca for palata aad the hand la la a goad playing 1 paaitlaa for amktog caw maMa aad going oat Ringley 'corresponding secretary ZMh funt clupbin Mn Walt- Ranks parliamentarian' er Ranks parliamentarian Mr Williams: sergeant-at-srm Mr William Barrett They were Installed In an lmpressiva ceremony by Mrs Bill Wood Mr Zach Fugate retiring president conducted the first part of the meeting and called lor yearly reports from' all tha committee chairmen Mt Sisler the newly in-stalleJ president took the chair for new business and the annual August picnic for the Post and Auxilary was discussed the exact data and placa to bo announced taler Mr James Williamson the son-in-law of Mrs Zach Fugate entertained with vocal number He was accompanied by Miss Barbara Ann Jooe Says Electric Iron Good for 37 Yeiars CLEVELAND UPV-Mrs Wicker of Memphi Term started something when she claimed sl)e owned the oldest working electric iron Mr Wicker's vintage iron dated from 1920 she Mid A housewife from 1 Lansing Mich Mr Virgil Kiiney entered an alleged 1911 model into the 1 a t-iron-daiming stake It never needed repairs she Mid Troopers Nqb Suspects of WILUAMSTOWN Ky UNSV-Kentucky state troopers at Wil-liamstown last night arrested three men suspected of robbing Mies Betsy Bowers bride-elect of this summer was honor Tuesday night when Mr Ferguson jmdJifT daughter Mr BUl-Coole andLMlss-BctsyFcrJ gusoriT entertained wlQTa kitchen shower and dessert bridge at the Ferguson home ett- Fifth The with -a grass linen cloth and the flower arrangement was in' white and green White gladioli shasta daisie breath and feverfew were used- In a crystal bowl White china and silver goblets completed the table decoration Small vases of bachelor buttons were' used on the other table One of these tables was set in ruby crysta1 on a white organdy cloth appliqued with red roses The other table was covered with a white linen cloth and waa set with green crystal and White ivy china The shower was presented the lonoree following the dessert courso The shower gift from the a kitchen set of canisters wastebasket etc was pre-ed to her In a large box tied with colored ribbons and plastic kitchen utensil Those attending were the hon-oree Miss Charlotte Bower Mrs Bower Miss Peggy McClellan Miss Sabelle Galliher Mias Rachel Easley Miss Fan Piper Miai Mary Lou Hammer Mr Earl Carrier Mr H- Bibee Jr Mr Jim beVsult and Min Peggy Sexton Greendale Churches Have Picnic At Back Bone Rock Saturday afternoon Julyi 29 from 3-7 all the churches on the Greendale circuit will meet at Back Bone Rock for an evening of fellowship and picnic supper Preceding the annual month of August revival in the Greendale Methodist church prayer meetings are being conducted in the homes as follows Aug 1 in the-home of Dr and Mr Smeitzer Aug 2 in the parspnage Aug 3 in the home of Mr and Mr Robert Meyers and Aug 4 in the home of Mr and Mrs Reece Scypher Rev homer slu*t Superintendent of the Abingdon district will conduct the fourth quarterly conference at Lowland church August 9 at 7:45 He will preach the first sermon of the revival at Greendale church on August 6 and will be followed on Monday night by the Rev John Davis well known pastor and evangelist who is now pastor qf Addilyn-Weavers Bristol Tennessee NOTHING FASTER For HEADACHE RELIEF yea might have three aces at SO apiee which would be sad three alaea at 10 apieea That -would ha again But that la sot the worst of It Suppose you have been so fortunate that you andor your partner have gotten your total score up to 1000 Then until game which la 5000 you cannot make your first mold unto you ean meld at once 13 That oftentimes la very tough to particularly If you are play Ing without a partner In a two handed or three-handed game Remember you enr-ot go out without a canasta Thera la a fearful trap hero Ton in lay down three aces which count 60 three sevens which count 19 three alao which eoust 18 -more and by adding throe tana to you cm got up a score of 1201 Thea you have but one card left la your -hand and Just where are you going to get a canasta? A Sad bnr Of eourse If your opponents happen to play as ae a seven a ala or a tan on top of tha discard pile when it la your turn to draw agaia you cm pick up the entira discard pita and get yourself back In good rasdlsg But they are not going to do it unleu they have to and you may well have to go on discarding and discarding and pretty som your opponents are going to bo well equipped with black trey anj you will go on giving them score with so possible way of getting out yourself I have seen one side go game (5000 points) In one hand because of this error Is a partnership gaaM however this play would not bo impossibly bad because It la so vitally important to free your partner to mold that you can trust him to use good Judgment toward leaving himself a possible canasta But playing alone It does not always pay to meld a card aa soon aa or whenever you can Naturally to use aa exampl If you are lucky enough to have a fad canasta of seven net ural 10 aad draw 10k-you can put It the top of your canasta and count It as an additional 10 point but you should also realise that it Is absolutely safe discard because there la no possibllty of your opponent picking It up there Sting only eight 10a la the deck Fart Fear Thla la the lino to point out ana tort peculiarity of tha black trays ta Canute they oannot bo welded cuipt at the very and to go out For lnitanCa you might bo la a poaltloa where you have five card three black treya and two six Thoae treya cannot bo melded '(which would aavo you 11 polnta In cbm your oppamanta went out) "Sitil wou can alao maid tha alxea I Going playing off all your arida 100 polnta to tha aoora Having onco gone out tha success-ful player players add up an honor aoora oonaiatlng of the man tlonad 100 polnta for going out 100 polnta for orsb red trey held 00 polnta for each black eaaaata and U0 polnta for oech red eaaaata Tbia honor aoora total la written down flrat Underneath that the other earde that have made up the eaaaata aad auoeaaaful maids are counted aa above-joker SO polnta wherever played daucea aad aoe 90 polnta- wherever played klnga to sight 10 polnta aplac Jid aevana through fours and black tray five pots' "aplac From thla total la aub--etcd the uaplayed cards left la your partner's hand and tha net result la added to the honor aoora makr- the total score for that hand 1 Tha losers add their honors the same way 'and having dona count up tha totals of the cards in their canastas and maids leu tha cardr that they have bean unable to play But if one player or partnership haa been unable to meld anything at all the reu treys held by that player or partnership count 100 each MINUS not plus New Peculiarity New aa your aoore' goes up lhare appears another peculiarity In aaaaata Aa aaid before tha first maid muat total ta aoant at Mi But whan you andor partner have added ap your to tha point where the la UN or over yon tha first maid antil yea have For lastaana yon may have a Joker which sonata 0 a daaeo which lo mar aad two hiaga at 10 apiece Thera la Or being shy wild earde year partner hande to th ynuMni I 7 '-M -W 3 V'1 hJjF SlfcA WallCU-C VOW Meets wjth Mrs Sneed The of the Wallace Methodist Church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Carson Sneed with Mr Hurt as co-hostess The program was uesented by Mr Orr "Up to tha Mountain" was tha subject of the program The devotional was given by the leader Talks were given by Mr Harrington Mr' Luther Rust Mr Hurt led the prayer-Mr Bill Reese accepted 'the place of Mr Joe Pairgin aa secretary of missionary education Tha kccretary read a letter from the Holston Methodist Orphanage requesting more coupon It was announced empty cam will be filled for the Orphanage with iruits and vegetables by the club members Dickerson Studios REASONABLE PRICES' Waiter Unia We The greater effectiveness of Meal medically tested ingredients work -ing together is most important when you want to csm simple head ichrs neuralgic paint and minor muKular ache Buy "BC" today aad um as directed Vi think you'll agraa tost nothing is mot comforting er in lieves futcr Same famous formula -in both tablet aad powder Two tablets equal oaepemrdar lOctlk ef) Simulated PEARL CHOKER 145 --d- earlier in the day The three suspects were nabbed for speeding in a car believed to have been stolen from' downtown Cincinnati -an hour before the holdup An estimated 126000 waa taken from the bank The men Identified 1 themselves as Joseph Tibbs 34 Ft Wayne Ind Earl Lee Pepper 30 Decatur 111 and Eugene Duppon 17 Ubank Kjr Houseworii EasyWithout NaggingBackache As wa art aUir itw aaS ctraia aaaa Mitia gwniw lawHaa tr aspoamw ta asIS atawa Sowa kMaar (Ml tioa Thia Buy IM aa talks ta a-a-laia of aasaiat karkacha af aaS aaara aaS Gattiaa ay aiama ar fiaqatat an Madder IrrHatlaai duo ta aal ar diatary ladiaeratleaa If oar (arts art doa ta pai doat wait tr Daaaii rib a ild diaiatfa Uad foil hr iliioas for aaar It yaara Whlla thfM atom ar aftm atbaiwiM asear H'a aauiias haw Daaa'i iw kayar rHW Mb tha )l -ba af kidaa tab- aad Sltwa Saak oat waaMGat Daaa'a rib tadayi He after When you mm tr nerve- racking headaches you get cxtri-fitt relief Yoa gat tha full tag (ITrctiveacM of hm qukk-dit-solviagfwi4Ctiagiagrediean You gat a formula that contain aot jurt on bat mtrml of the world' most popular pain-relieving ingredient In combination thm ingredients are remarkably affective-far mors so than either would be alou ate Mate 4 UK Sore -Tooth Betrays Man Whov Bit Cop DETROIT (UP) When the receiving hospital put two and two together It was a chunk ef Patrolman Collins Glen's hand and Richard Lyons' toothache Glen was treated for a bit suffered while investigating an unruly crowd When Lyons appeared at the hospital ister for treatment ef a ore tooth attendant thought the two cases more than a co-incidence IdentUied Lyon as the at- brokB way from him biting his hand COHEirS-HORTOH Summtr Clearance Sale 1 Now In Progrott The Quality Store Norton -fr AT THE JEWEL BOX DIAMOND ONYX RING I4M DOWN Weekly PrwM InduC Tee 1 W00 0 Bq America'i voiua $2 SO iH DRY CLEVIlirO IU See ROGERS DmiiiflKO)' 1) S3A7S If Bf MMSOWU use wan 14K $79M tu 141 i turn bow tafotMRir I kb i 71 HIM SOWN mm wreiv 14X tM V1 4l Ml ri 14S ThU ia the fourth of 12-port series of ortielot on Canasta tha card game which it growing tltadily in popularity Save a tho installments and you will have one a tho clearest descriptions of the game ever printed as tcall as an invaluable series of tipa on tho strategy of good Canada play Tha series has been arranged to teach you tho bane rules of Canada starting with them aa tha game came from Argentina Once you learn tha basic game tha articles will show yon tho changes made by American players and the reasons for them Experience has shown this to ba tha bast and easiest way to master the game and Lady's BUIOVA WATCHES Qioict 8247S graotstt wotch Sulove Accurate dependable Down $100 Weekly About 250 Summer After winning $280 in a lottery Rusden of Melbourne Australia went to spend a vacation his native Merton New Zealand and there bought another lottery ticket which won llow Long Does OUR6EOF LIFI Far aa aracial fct a rmaaiklr 8 far aafortaBBteir Ia ltfcar tha ikl tkias ta aka tryiaa ifhla Thafi wbr Sada thaaaaaSa af OuM lyai ait ifM h-t tha (athr Up ta tha iaaata ada a aad sa- Una that taa waa ttaad Has Wbadarfal taiaaiae ia irrit kllitr Cardal'a sraad ato-achia taaia aattaa hripi Katwa aia hrttr vkalit aad aHa aa a Patty itl Cat Cardal Sada PHOTOGRAPHER mm 2719 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 00 Fifth St InlhgtlonallT advartisod brands Value l45 to $195 Reduced in claar PARKER SET tiaeaowN i vv ''j 3-DIAMOND RING $7 DOWN Bristol Entertains "At Beach The kouth Bristol entertained 'the Beech- Grove aa they participated In the program of chain visitation The guest society was weleom- ed by the president of the hosteu society Mn Joe O'Dell The pro- Iiram opened with the group sing-ng "Jesus Calls Mr Paul Smith gave the devotional reading and prayer Mr Henry Guinn dve a short meditation'- birthday cake brought by the eat society waa circled with lighted candles symbolizing ten yean of progress in the The social hour waa held in the recreation room of the educational building where a motif of green and whits was carried out in both decorations and refreshment Mn Virginia Hartman Mn Louise Green Mn Florence Fleming and -Mn Fannie Nelson were hostesses during the social hour' July Meeting Tha July meeting of the South' Bristol was held at tha home of Mr Henry Guinn Mn Hazel Bouih was ln charge i ef the program 'j During1 the business session plans were made to buy linoleum for the parsonage kitchen It was announced that the parsonage painting had been completed served punch and caka to the thirty-one present Sir Rambo will be the August hostes yiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VISIT THE JEWEL BOX FOR DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY Bemberg Sheer LV' Linens Budget Flax sc Lay-Away Your Charge Account at The Box Wien you have a charge account at The Jewel Box you have the convenience of just saying and we make no extra charge for credit No interest no carrying charges No extras You pay only the advertised price Vj Our Store Is Air-Coadillaaad For Your Comfort USE OUR CONVENIENT TERMS 'W Chart Aaeauat OPEN AN ACCOUNT 12 MONTHS TO PAT mxtmRnmmRHnFKm If -w' ik if: si- i'-i 1 1 123 Stale SL 'V BrlstoL'Va 529 OTATE GTElDSET 7'' if ok ti6V V'-v-' vi i AA 'V lx -I A -y-V-i -i'-r )'J I 'L j-' (-i 4 fl -i 'f J' -vj 1 'I'-- A Bristol Abingdon 1 Pkauti IMS PhirnM I 7 1 ri I fl I msAJ ---t -V (' i7 1 v-i vVi -A: -A: 1.
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